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This binding has hidden stitches and a protected fore-edge. If made in alum-tawed skin the CSB Protective is particularly suitable for old books because it enfolds the volume and does not need any adhesive.
CSB Protective
I will assume that the book is ready to be bound and that all prior steps have been carefully carried out. The description refers to a full-leather binding with clean-cut edges. I will not work to any particular dimension, assuming the template to be clear enough for each person to adapt it to a given size.
Cutting the back cover
To see the cutting of the straps, go back to Cutting the straps in the index. The two sides of the cover are cut separately.
Cut the back cover first following side a of the template.
The back is made of three parts: the fore-edge flap, the cover itself and the sewing straps, which should be long enough to meet the fore-edge flap when the binding is finished.
The sewing
To see the fixing of the cover to the sewing frame go to A sewing frame in the index.
You can choose two different sewings for this binding: either a simple sewing with kettle stitches (sewing 1) or a headband sewing by adding two extra straps at head and tail on side a of the cover that can be cut short after sewing. To see sewings 2 and 3, go back to CSB sewings in the index.
If you do not want to add too many holes in the sections you can split the sewing straps in the middle (just over the area of the spine depth) and sew as for double thongs.
The thickness of the thread should provide enough 'swell' in the spine to allow you to round the book. I always round by hand, not with a hammer. After sewing, the spine is still accessible and can be lined if desired.
Cutting the front cover
The front cover should be cut after the sewing has been done, as you need to know the thickness of the spine.
Cut the front cover following side b of the template. The front cover includes, the cover itself, the spine and the panel that will be fixed to the back cover. Two vertical slots, the same size as the ties, should be cut at the spine joint of the front cover.
The crossing
The sewn straps go from the inside out through the vertical cuts at the spine joint of the front cover. They pass over the front cover to be secured at the fore-edge flap. The panel of the front cover overlaps the back cover and is fixed to it.
If you want to download the text, templates and sewings of this binding, go to Download CSB in the index. |