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CSB Basic
I will assume that the book is ready to be bound and that all prior steps have been carefully carried out. The description refers to a full-leather binding with clean-cut edges (handmade paper, parchment and vellum can also be used). I will not work to any particular dimension, assuming the template to be clear enough for each person to adapt it to a given size.
The cutting
Asymmetry is a constant feature on all Crossed Structure bindings. The two parts of the CSB Basic are complementary and asymmetric. The number of straps will be even on one side and uneven on the other.
The two parts of this cover are cut in just one go, each one fitting perfectly in its counterpart. This feature belongs only to the basic form; any other crossed structure has to be cut in two separate pieces.
To see the cutting of the straps, go back to Cutting the straps in the index. Cut the covers following sides a and b of the template. The two parts include the cover itself and the bands both for the sewing and for the crossing.
The sewing
The sections can be sewn to either half of the cover. I shall explain both alternatives because they imply different patterns of sewing.
To see the fixing of the cover to the sewing frame go to
Sewing 1 in A sewing frame in the index.
The book-block is sewn to the three central straps of CSB Basic side a. The sewing is carried out with kettle stitches in the normal way. To see sewing 1, go back to CSB sewings in the index. The thickness of the thread should provide enough 'swell' in the spine to allow you to round the book. I always round by hand, not with a hammer. After sewing, the spine is still accessible and can be lined if desired.
Sewing 2
This sewing is carried out on the four straps of CSB Basic side b. In this case the first and the last strap become structural headband cores. This will add solidity and support to the spine and will allow smooth opening even with heavy volumes. To see sewings 2 and 3, go back to CSB sewings in the index.
The crossing
After sewing, the straps of the two covers interlock at the spine and can be secured to the opposite side.
If you want to download the text, templates and sewings of this binding, go to Download CSB in the index. |